Belgian Shepherd
Weekend Manager
Dexter came in to our family when my daughter was 2 and he was 8 weeks, they have grown up together over the years.
Dexter is the best family pet anyone could ask for. It amazes us as he never bothers when Kennedy covers him with necklaces and bracelets, and where ever she is he is never far away.
His best play buddy is Blue they are only a few weeks apart in age and always want to play when they meet up. Amber has softened towards him, now he is a handsome hunk, and even steals a kiss from him when she's in the mood (but never the other way round).
Dexter just loves his walks and even though Amanda does everything for him, feeding, brushing etc he loves her, his loyalty lies with Mike his walking buddy and master.They are constantly stopped on their travels as many people are not sure what breed Dexter is and gets loads of compliments on his gorgeous coat (Amanda's hard work we might add).
Dexter and Mike never miss a chance to tell people about the gear at K9active and Dexter is always sporting one of our products promoting their important role as K9active ambassadors!
Dexter is such a big softy and loves his cuddles, wherever the family goes Dexter goes.